
Slag melt is to a high state of rapid cooling of the product placed in water, also known as water quenched blast furnace slag, a byproduct of ironmaking produced, known as slag in the cement industry, the main blast furnace slag water quenching or water quenching in two ways. Slag is mainly used for the production of cement, either as a cement mixture, can also be made non-clinker cement. After fine grinding blast furnace slag can be used as the main raw material for the production of slag powder. It can replace silicon bath soil insulation packing and save cost. It can be used for the production of slag bricks and wet grinding slag concrete products. It used for thermal insulation filler.

Slag Grinding Solution

High-performance Equipment

To cater to specific material characteristics and meet customer requirements, SBM provides a range of grinding mills, including the MTM, MTW, LM, LUM, and SCM series.

Eco-friendly Production

To ensure environmentally friendly production, various measures are implemented, including the adoption of dust removers and sealing at each component.

Process Optimization

SBM's solutions are highly automated, characterized by the utilization of a centralized control platform. This allows for the monitoring and effective control of the entire production process, resulting in significant savings in labor costs.

After-sales Service

For each customer, a dedicated engineer is assigned to oversee their project, ensuring prompt resolution of any questions or issues that may arise. Additionally, our 24/7 online service is readily available to provide assistance at any time.

Slag Processing Plant

1.First slag into the dryer for drying;

2.Into to pulse dust collecto;

3.The slag is fed by a screw conveyor vertical milling machine,After grinding the material layer using the principle of slag grinding, polishing Slag can reach 250 mesh -350 mesh, using cyclone income product dust collection;

4.Using electrostatic precipitator or bag-type dust collector as a final dust removal equipment;

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